Sunday, March 6, 2011

Busy Week; Forgive the Randomness

The crazy busy-ness that is always Life in the Month of March has begun.  Last week I started Program Planning, where 9th grade teachers divvy up the freshman and meet individually with each student and their parents about setting goals for high school.  In the middle of that, this week we have cheerleading tryouts, in the middle of that our girls' basketball team is going to the state tournament, and in the middle of THAT my granddaddy is in the hospital.  Please pray for him; we think it's going to be fine but they are running lots of tests.  Pray for me that I somehow don't lose my mind in the midst of all the running around.

Also Cousin Beth called and asked me to run in the Blue Ridge Relay Marathon (remember that from last year?) and for some reason I said yes.  But only if I got to run the shortest length.  And only if is flat.  And only if it's 4 miles or less. And only if it's ok that I completely bring the entire team down because of my slow running.  Do you hear this Beth?  I mean, I'm sooooo easy to work with, you know.  Not high maintainence in the least...

I almost decided not to coach cheerleading next year.  And then I thought about how God was teaching me so much through it (like how much I'm scared to death about ever having a teenage daughter of mine own, for one thing; the drama...oh the drama) and how it's helped me to really be entrenched in the school and the relationships that I've built with these girls.  And I thought about how I would feel sitting at my desk next year and seeing the girls in the hallways and how I wouldn't get to be the one who they come to anymore and how I would just have to watch as someone else played that role.  I got sad.  I like being a part of it all.  Despite the hectic schedules and the long season and the drama (did I mention the drama?), I love it.  So I changed my mind. 

Also I discovered a great blog for South Beach Diet recipes called Kayln's Kitchen.  I'm planning on making this in the crockpot for tomorrow.  And maybe this and this later this week.  Quick and easy is what I'm going for.  Have I already said how busy this week will be?

Ok that is all I can get my head around for now.  Happy Sunday and beginning to a new (and busy) week!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Can I tell you, I am so glad for those girls that you decided to keep coaching! They are so lucky to have a great woman like yourself as a role model. :)