Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday Opportunities

Some day I will get my act together and participate in the Hello Monday link up that Lisa does, pictures and all.  I love her blog and I love for enthusiasm for Monday and starting a new, fresh week.  I am not often prone to take that perspective.  But I did take a few minutes today to comtemplate my week and think about it in terms of "opportunities" and blessings, rather than the dreary, weekend-is-ending-how-will-I-function outlook I so often fall into.

Here are some things I'm looking forward to this week:
  • Finally catching up on grading, made a little better in my favorite spot at the coffee shop {I keep looking forward to finally not feeling like I'm drowning!}
  • Enjoying having my student teacher slowly take some leadership in my classroom
  • Family couseling session on Wednesday to help us all transition to this new adventure
  • Coffee date with a fellow teacher and foster parent {Looking forward to gathering some wisdom and encouragement}
  • Teacher Work Day on Friday!  {I'm looking forward to closing my door and tackling the To Do List}
  • A quiet and low-key weekend on the horizon {husband on a business trip and son at a wrestling tournament}
  • Celebrating my sweet grandmother's 80th birthday and the blessing she is to our family!
What opportunities do you have on the schedule this week?
Happy Monday!

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