In an attempt to keep some order around this place and seriously not gross myself out on a regular basis, I have made myself a chore chart. Basically because I'm bad at cleaning house and always put it off for far too long and then feel so overwhelmed by the thought of all I have to clean that I spiral out of control into a big puddle on the ground or want to lay in the fetal position in the midst of my cleaning products.
And I have 2 cats. Which means the cat hair can be ridiculous. Especially when it's hot outside.
So here is what I did: I gave myself just a couple things to do each day and if I stick to it, the house can be clean by Saturday morning and I will not have spent 3+ hours at a time scrubbing away. I broke it down into mangable things that can be done in fifteen minutes to a half an hour.
Sunday: Clean out fridge, make a menu plan for the week, laundry
Monday: Put laundry away, grocery shop if necessary
Tuesday: Dust
Wednesday: Clean kitchen countertops, mop kitchen floor, wipe down appliances
Thursday: Vacuum
Friday: Mop bathroom floors, wipe off countertops and cabinets, clean toilets
Saturday: Mirrors/glass and shower
Daily: Make the bed, dishes in the dishwasher, put away clutter
Here is the thing: I know in reality I will not do this every week. However, if it has been a while since I've cleaned, I tend to get overwhelmed with all there is to do and not do anything. Now instead of doing that, when I get really really grossed out by how messy the house is, I just do the thing on the list for that day and I start to feel better. I feel like I can slowly work my way out. It's a start.
This week, though, I'm going for it. And now that I've blogged about it, I feel a little more accountability to get it done. Even if no one reads my boring post about cleaning house, at least I've put it in writing, which makes it a little more official.