Friday, April 23, 2010

Booked! Let the countdown begin...

We did it!! We are officially headed across the pond...the other pond, that is! Patrick and I booked our tickets to Oz headed out of Roanoke on Saturday, June 26 to L.A. We'll fly from L.A. to Auckland, New Zealand and spend almost a week pudding around there. On July 4th we'll catch a flight to Melbourne, Australia, where we'll be met by his sister, her husband, and our adorable niece, Amy. Our plan is to travel through Adelaide with them as we make our way down to their home in South Australia on Kangaroo Island where we'll hang out, catch up, and rest for a week or so. After that we have no plans and, literally, the sky's the limit! We'll be back in Roanoke on Saturday, July 29. A whole month!! We are too excited for words. Now, if summer would just hurry itself up and get here already.

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