Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Taking Back My Kitchen

Life has been a little crazy.  Have I mentioned that?  Oh, three or four times?  Sorry.  I tend to repeat myself these days; mostly because I can't remember who I said what to when.  We've been a little bit busy.

But this is the week.  Not because it's Christmas Week.  But really sort of because this is the first time in about, oh, three or four months that I haven't had a standing appointment, practice, game, training class, Bible study, or school event every single night of the week.  This week, the busiest holiday week of the year, ironically, we are home every night!  So I'm using the time to get my house in order and take back my kitchen.  I've declared it - no eating out this week (except for that one night when my college roomie will be in town all the way from Texas!).  No take out chinese food.  No chik-fil-a. 

Yesterday after school I made WHO Bread in my new-to-me breadmaker.  It made for some yummy toast this morning.

And we actually had dinner.  At the table!  Woo-hoo!

Tonight I'm making soup for dinner, which will last for a couple lunches too.

I may even make a batch of Shannon's granola just because.  I'm just crazy like that. (Shannon, do you know that I still make your granola? I think about you every time!),

And finally, on Friday, I'll be preparing for our annual Christmas Eve Breakfast at my house.  A tradition I love and that I took over for my grandmother a couple years ago.  I feel very honored that everyone piles up in our house to kick off the Christmas celebration.  I love the different spirit that is in the air on that morning.  The chill that waves through the air as people come in the door.  The coffee brewing, Christmas music in the background, the smell of cinnamon buns, and a lit up Christmas tree at 9:30 a.m. It makes my heart oh so happy.  This year I'm making Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Buns and my grandmother's Sausage and Egg Casserole. 

Bring on the Holidays!  I may not be ready yet, but my kitchen sure is.

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